how to earn money from youtube
YouTube is a popular platform where you can upload and share videos with millions of viewers. You can also earn money from YouTube by joining the YouTube Partner Program and monetizing your videos with various features. Here are some steps to help you earn money from YouTube: Create and build your YouTube channel. You need to have a Google account to create a YouTube channel. You can customize your channel with a name, description, profile photo, and banner image. You can also add keywords to help people find your channel 1 2 . Upload great content to your channel. You need to upload videos that are original, engaging, and suitable for your target audience. You can use different tools and software to edit and enhance your videos. You should also optimize your videos with catchy titles, descriptions, tags, thumbnails, and subtitles 1 2 3 . Grow your audience and engagement. You need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months to be el...